
Showing posts from November, 2021

Memories Come Back

And simply I am waiting for the nightfall. To sleep. To see you in my dream. It is winter and most of the creatures of the world go back for an endless slumber till spring arrives and rejuvenates the eternal beauty of nature. How awfully splendid! I mean, this long sleep. One may complete one's life in one dream. No intruder happens to meet in this vacation. Life is not all about the things that happen in our day to day business. It is something more. Something that never comes to be true is also holding the significance of living. It becomes worthwhile when you think - I have to live for making those dreams true. Some are indeed unnatural, superficial or perhaps unbelievable in some perspective to a person who never been in contemplating things on sublimity. Merely those who become habituated or used to of this busy schedule of life think no need of exaggeration of certain dreams that haply once had a greater bearing in their life. They accept reality in such an exte

You taught me how to deal with a broken heart And for this you broke me first.

 I could not resist myself when I saw your text. That day I realised that I'm really a weak person. And it is easy to break me and to blame me. Even after so much cruelty, I saved your contact again. I mused perhaps I could ignore you in some uncanny way or keep you aside as just a member of my chat list. And I was proved wrong today. Yes it was you who messaged me first on the whatsapp. But was it so simple to take those silly jokes as I did take before these all happened? I perceived no. Nothing is same anyway. You are not safe for me though yesterday I wanted to mend every wrong doings that you believed I had done. May be in a way I can not defend that I was flawless. I wanted you forever, I was mad. So I shackled your wings with an invisible chain called "relationship", yet I was the one who had a strong belief on love irrespective of relationship. What did make me think like that? I was indeed not changed by overnight. It was you, you were fleeting like time. I wante